Oct 3rd 2018


Since the beginning, bass anglers have not been viewed as athletes. Yet the accomplishments we all have had on the water have gone unrecognized as being athletic. We are here to change that view. We view what you do on the water as not only sport, yet those who are participating as athletes. And as athletes, in order to perform your best, you need to have the right tools that give you everything you need on the water and the most important thing you need in your equipment is trust. The trust that your gear, no matter what the conditions, will provide you everything you need and more for you to perform at your best.

Our focus is performance based, technical outerwear that will give bass athletes everything they need to perform at their best on the water.

Bryant trophy

Bryant Smith, with his 2016 Wild West Bass Trail Tournament of Champions trophy and his 2017 FLW Clear Lake Championship trophy.

We are proud to have professional bass angler Bryant Smith as a BUCK N’ BASS Athlete. At only 27 years of age, Bryant is already one of the top professional bass anglers in the Western United States. Winning multiple tournaments on the FLW and Wild West Bass Trail Tours, Bryant is a proven champion with career earnings exceeding $350,000. Bryant fishes in tournaments year round and in all weather conditions. And as a professional athlete Bryant relies on and needs every piece of equipment on his boat including what he is wearing to be not only the best yet to be able to handle any and every situation. This need that Bryant requires from his gear we’re making it a reality for every bass angler to have that same level of performance in their gear too. Bryant, along with our design team, have spent the last few years developing and testing the most innovative technical fabrics and materials currently available in order to bring the best to you. We will be launching our technical line of bass fishing outerwear in the fall of 2019. It will be gear that changes the way you approach bass fishing forever. Performance and comfort that you never thought was possible and the trust in your equipment to go where ever you need to in any weather condition. Technical outerwear that you don’t have to ever think about so you can focus on why you are on the water in the first place: to win!

Bryant Catch

Bryant Smith winning the 2018 Wild West Bass Trail Tournament of Champions. Making him a 2X WWBT Tournament of Champions winner.

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